everyone who has ever watched an Asian bldrama knows this storyline.
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A teenage Chinese hero stands on the weathered wooden planks of a lonely dock, the gentle breeze tugging at the edges of his open shirt. His subltle muscles ripple beneath sun-kissed skin, evidence of countless battles fought. The long black ponytail cascades down his back like a silken waterfall that dances with each gust of wind.
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His attire was simple yet striking: a black shirt, its fabric clinging to his lithe frame. The wind, mischievous and playful, swept across the open plain, teasing the edges of his shirt until it fluttered wide, revealing a pale chest. There, etched into his skin, were the faint traces of battles fought and secrets kept.
a lone hero strips off robes for a relaxing night soak in the mountain stream. his relaxation is mixed with sadness that he has no other to share this intimate experience with. the boy he loves is sworn to another through an arranged marriage and there is no future in which he can be hand in hand with him. a lgbt tragedy.
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